Some people are blessed to join expensive masterminds that run up to over 100K a year - But I decided to create one everyone could afford for just $7 a month...

Here's What You'll Be Getting:

Monthly What's Working

Right Now LIVE Calls

My Best 

Time Saving Hacks & Tools for maximum Visibility

After generating thousands of views and being told by my clients repeatedly that they see me EVERYWHERE, I am sharing with you some of my best tips and tricks

Never Before 

Released Training

We all know that the copy-cat agents are just waiting for their turn to steal a creative idea. With this mastermind you get to do and implement faster. By the time your competition figures it out, you will have already closed deals with these strategies!

Top Converting


After sending thousands of emails, I discovered what will get you better open rates, better response rates and a better list! Take the good ones and leave the rest!

My Best Tools 

Work on your business and not in your business so you can work smarter. I will be showing you the top tools to automate communication, lead generation, social media, transaction management and productivity,

Systems & Processes

Streamline your real estate business and bring it to the next level! Let's be honest, you can not truly step away from your business until you have a proven, tested and replicable system in place.

Q&A Sessions

The collective Mastermind will offer you insights and thoughts from different angles that will get you unstuck and moving faster than you could on your own!

This training here will actually 

make you money... not take it. 


Not only have we figured out what works, 

but this will save you a ton of money, time, and resources

so that you can focus on what you're good at, 

and have this thing done. Here's the crazy part.

I really want to make it a no-brainer for you to try this out that I want to bribe you for it, which is why I'm willing to give you access to this whole thing for...

Special Offer: Only $7 Per Month

Hurry! This Offer WON'T Last Forever

What Is The $7 Real Estate Agent Mastermind?

From: Janine Sasso

To: Determined Real Estate Moms and Dads

Hi there,

Starting a letter always seems tricky so I will simply cut to the chase.

My vision is to create a Mastermind of Real Estate Agents willing to learn and share, independent from brokerages.

A Mastermind is the fastest way to collectively rise to the next level in our businesses the fastest way possible.

It's a group of like minded individuals all working together to elevate their game - to make more money, to gain more freedom and achieve the life they've always dreamed of...

And if you want to be apart of a group like that without having to pay up to $100,000 a year (that's how much some real estate masterminds can cost)...

Then this will be the most important letter you'll ever read:

But First A Word Of Warning:

This mastermind is NOT for everyone...

In fact, this mastermind is ONLY for 1 type of person:

Action Takers & Idea Implementors - people who are committed and ready to roll up their sleeves.

If that's not you, then stop reading now, because we will unfortunately have to remove you from the mastermind if you try to join...

However if you are an action taker & idea implementor - or if you're committed to becoming one then...

Here's What You Get As A Member

After joining the ONLY $7 Real Estate Agent Mastermind, here’s what you get:

- Exclusive trainings where I reveal the success habits, capabilities, and tools that allowed me to reach levels of internal fulfillment I once just dreamed about..

- Exclusive training where I reveal what’s working in my business right now

- Instant Access to The Hyper Local Real Estate Agent Facebook Group - This is where you'll be able to network and learn more about tactics and strategies that will level up your game inside your real estate business (YOU WILL WANT TO JOIN IMMEDIATELY)

- Plus 3 more unbelievable bonuses (that you can see at the bottom of this page)

And I can promise you this, it will be…

The Best $7 You Could Ever Spend!

(And I'll Even Take All Of The Risk!)

I was thinking of making this mastermind $47 a month so that it would be the most affordable mastermind in the world...

But I love testing things first so I thought I would launch this mastermind to a select group of people at an unheard of discount...

So unheard of, that it would be a no brainer for anyone who wants to join a mastermind...

So with that in mind I was going to drop the price all the way down to just $27 per month...

But then I decided to do something even more unheard of... I took that discounted price I came up with and made it the most frugal investment anybody could make into their real estate business!

I made it to where you can get full access to the ONLY $7 Real Estate Agent Mastermind today for just $7 per month.

And if you sign up today, we're even going to let you join the group with a no-brainer money back guarantee.

Choose a Pricing Plan and Get Started

Here's What To Do Next

Step 1: Click the "Join The ONLY $7 Real Estate Agent Mastermind" button anywhere on this page

Step 2: Enter your information

Step 3: We'll send you your mastermind credentials (along with all the free bonuses you get - which you can see below)

That's it, it's really that simple!

So click the button below to join one of the highest level, yet most affordable masterminds in the world!

But before you do, I have to give you a heads up

Time Is Of The Essence

You won't be able to join this mastermind at this unheard of discount forever...

In fact, like I said we're still thinking of making it $47/ m in the near future... (still one of the most affordable masterminds in the world)

So don't let this opportunity pass you buy...

One of the characteristics of successful people is they take action with no hesitation...
And that's what I'm asking you to do now...

Click the button on this page to join the ONLY $7 Real Estate Agent Mastermind before you miss out.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money back guarantee!

In fact, hear this...

The Safest Guarantee In The World

Even though I'm already letting you join the mastermind for an insanely low price to see if it's a good fit for you... I wanted to go one step further...

I'm also going to give you a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee!
(which you can easily do by sending us an email at [email protected])

Literally all the risk is on us, so we can deliver you the most value.

How's that for fair?

This Truly Is An Unheard Of Offer, So Click The Button Below To Join the ONLY $7 Real Estate Mastermind & Get All the FREE Bonuses Before You Miss Out!

Choose a Pricing Plan and Get Started

I’m cheering for you!

Replays included with your Membership:

  Welcome to your MOST AFFORDABLE Mastermind
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

- Janine Sasso

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

On this page is a chance to join the ONLY $7 Real Estate Agent Mastermind for just $7 a month.

It's one of the highest level, yet most affordable masterminds in the world. And as a member, here's what you get:

- Exclusive trainings where I reveal the success habits, capabilities, and tools that allowed me to reach levels of internal fulfillment I once just dreamed about..

- Exclusive training where I reveal what’s working in my business right now

- Instant Access to The Hyper Local Real Estate Agent Facebook Group - This is where you'll be able to network and learn more about tactics and strategies that will level up your game inside your real estate business (YOU WILL WANT TO JOIN IMMEDIATELY)

- Plus 3 more unbelievable bonuses (that you can see at the bottom of this page)

You can cancel any time for any reason...

So click the button below to join before this opportunity passes you by and you miss out forever!

What other Agents Have To Say about Janine Sasso:

Bonus #1

Weekly Accountability Sheet

Bonus #2

Daily Habit Tracker


1-Link Training for Real Estate Agents: create buyer & seller leads online and offline for free with this strategy

Choose a Pricing Plan and Get Started